Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is this all about?

Hi -- back in the fall of 2008 the minister from my church, Grandview Christian Church, asked me to be one of the presiders of congregational prayer during the 11 am worship service (one of Grandview's 3 services). He did this because he was having to preach twice during the 11 am hour and didn't have time to pray because he was heading to another room to give his sermon again to a different crowd.

At first he offered to write the prayers, but then we realized it would save him a lot of time during the week if I would write the ones I was praying.

Therefore, I have more than a dozen prayers I have written (because I alternate months with others in the service). As I work on my prayers, it has been very helpful to visit web sites and blogs where others have shared their work. I am hopeful my words might be helpful to others in the same boat as me.

Praise be to God.
