Saturday, July 30, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 7.31.11

As we come before you in prayer, Oh Lord, we are full of gratitude.  We are grateful for your love, we are grateful for one another, we are grateful for this congregation - for our staff and volunteers, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve each other and the world around us.  We are grateful to be your children.

We are grateful for your Grace, O God, a grace so beautiful that it saved our souls; a grace so terrible that it caused you to sacrifice your beloved son for us.  We are grateful for your grace, Father, a grace often so easy for us that we barely recognize it, while so terribly expensive for you.

We are grateful for the Grace of Jesus Christ; a grace so painful for Him; a grace that allowed the cup to stop in front of him, the grace that allowed him to be tortured for our sakes, the grace that allowed him to take on the sins of not one, but many – in fact the sins of the whole world; a grace so freely given that we have the freedom to ignore it.  Thank you for that grace.

We are grateful for the Grace of fellow Christians – a grace so wonderful that it sometimes causes us to give with abandon, love without seeking return, share to the point where possessions mean nothing. 

Help us remember that to be generous, to be gracious, means to put ourselves aside.

We ask you to shower upon us the gift of a generous spirit, Father:
  • Give us the generosity of spirit when we worship
  • Give us the generosity of spirit when we pray
  • Give us the generosity of spirit when we share and serve
  • Give us the generosity of spirit even when we don’t feel like it.
  • Give us the grace to never give up on each other.
Allow the grace of the Father, of the Son, and of the Spirit to be shown to those around us, those we would call family, those we would call friend, those we would call stranger, and those we would call enemy.

So often, silence is our enemy, too.  We are too busy for the quiet.  We are too wrapped up in our lives to pause even for a few moments.  Help us empty our minds of all our clutter as we embrace the quiet and share our prayers with you, Father.

We ask your special blessings today, Lord, for Milligan College and for their new president, our brother, Bill Greer.  We pray that your grace, your wisdom, your love enfolds him -  guides him - as he represents the school and represents you.

And now we pray together as Jesus Christ, our Savior, our redeemer, our king, taught us to pray: 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 7.16.11

As we humbly bow before you today, O God, we are grateful.  We are grateful for your love.  We are grateful for our lives.  We are grateful for our blessings.  We are grateful for the chance to serve you.

Help us remember, Father, that we were bought with a price.  Help us remember the sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Help us remember the scourge, the pierced side, the crown of thorns.  Help us remember your beloved son as the sins of the world fell on his shoulders and crushed him…all for our sakes.  We didn’t earn this gift.  We can never repay this love shown to us.  We can never be worthy except by the grace that comes through the burial and resurrection of our savior.

 Help us remember our lives are not our own.  Place these words ever before us so that we never forget.  Help us remember that we are children of the King and we belong to you.  Help us be aware and act with that awareness toward our fellow human beings.

 Help us remember our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.  You have called us to shun evil, to separate ourselves from it while we work to bless others in this world.  Help us remember that our actions have consequences even when no one else sees them, because you do.  Help us remember that where our minds are, so go our bodies and our spirits.  Help us be aware and act with that awareness.

 Help us remember that our enemies are not necessarily yours.  Please bless our enemies, Lord.

 While we have no problem remembering our needs and woes before you, we can often forget to praise you for your goodness.  Help us remember to praise you.  In the silence, hear our needs and our praises to you.

Lord, we often bring Interfaith Hospitality Network before you in our prayers.  We ask that you bless them as they work to keep families together while these families struggle to move forward in their lives.  We ask your special blessings on Brian Rosecrans and the board as they search for a team member to replace Patsy Glover.  We also pray for Grandview's role in this ministry and ask that you raise up leaders within our church who can help IHN be even a greater blessing to our community.

And now we pray together as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, taught us to pray:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 7.10.11

Most wonderful God; most majestic king; praise be your name for your greatness. You, oh Yahweh, are our sovereign, and we will worship you all the days of our lives. We are your creation. We are your people, your children. We look to you for our sustenance. We look to you for your approval and love. Turn your face toward us, Father and make it shine upon us for you are our king, you are our maker, you are our redeemer.

In the silence, hear our words of praise, thanksgiving, and honor. In the quiet, we bring before you our troubles, our fears, our needs.

Our enemies are your creation, your children, and you love them. Bless them, Lord.

Help us know our proper place in your world, Father. Help us to realize and adjust our lives so they are focused on you and your kingdom.

Help us be humble in your sight, Father. Let us not be boastful in your presence or in the world around us other than to boast of your greatness and of your love for all.

You are the highest of the high, Lord. No words or images can aptly capture your majesty. While we are tempted to try to exalt you with big words and beautiful imagery, let us focus on the simple yet powerful message of Jesus Christ and him crucified.

We need faith to follow, O God. We need faith to stand fast against the world. Please bless our faith that it might not rest on what passes for truth on the earth, but on your truth, found in your Word.

We need wisdom, O most high. There are so many around us who would love us to cling to their wisdom, to the wisdom that focuses on self instead of the wisdom grounded in blessing others. Bathe us in your spirit, O God, so that we may understand the gifts you have bestowed on us.

Try as we might to see otherwise, Lord, our only hope for meaningful life and meaningful service is through you. All praise and honor to you, gracious God.

We ask your special blessings on Higher Ministries. We ask you furnish them the tools and the wisdom ask they provide counseling and support for ministers, their families and the churches they serve.

Now, we honor the command of Jesus and pray as he taught us: 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 7.3.11

We will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in our mouths. Our souls make their boasts in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. Let us look to him and be radiant so our faces shall never be ashamed.

God of all, you have given us so much. You have given us dominion over the earth and sea. You have given us riches beyond our wildest imagination. You have given us your Word. You have offered us salvation through your son, Jesus. You have given us life and life everlasting.

And you have given us freedom, Lord. As human beings, we have the freedom to accept or reject you. As human beings, we have the freedom to lift up or crush. As human beings, we have the freedom to love or hate.

Help us to realize that as human beings, we are flawed. We are sinful. We are often selfish and self-serving. Left to our own devices we can be dangerous: dangerous to others, to ourselves, to our world, to the cause of the Christ. Help us not place the love of freedom over the love for you.

Liberate in us the freedom to loose our shackles from love of sinful things, love of indulgence, love of self. Draw us close to the freedom that is found as servants of the King. Help us revel in the joy that comes from lifting others up rather than tearing them down. Bless our enemies…and bless us, as we work to sort our differences.

When we are focused on you, we can become more in tune with your desires. At our best moments, we work to be Christ-like. Help our best moments be the moments we exhibit most.

We thank you for this great land and the opportunities it brings. Thank you for the generations that have worked so hard to make it a blessing to so many. Help us put our love for country in its proper place in our lives.

In the silence, hear our words of supplication. We are in fear. We are in pain. In the silence, hear our words of praise. We are grateful. We are humble.

You are our God and we are your children. Smile upon us, Father.

We ask intercessory prayer for Gabe and Melissa Hillman, missionaries in Bulgaria serving the nation’s youth. Guide, direct, and strengthen their efforts as they continue their mission. We ask special blessings on the family as Melissa seeks medical help in the US for their son, Jonah.

Now, we pray together as Christ Jesus taught us to pray: