Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 1.1.12

Loving God, as we enter a new year, we have the opportunity to be aware and to be grateful for all the gifts you have bestowed upon us.  While our lives are not perfect, and we can focus on the negative, there is much for us to be thankful for.  As we survey our surroundings, we see your wonders, the majesty of the mountains, the bright colors of light through the stained glass, the laughs and smiles of the happy children as they learn and they play, the warm handshake or embrace of a brother or sister in Jesus Christ – you, O Lord, have richly blessed us. 

And, as we look around, we can also see those for whom 2012 is not starting out well – for those in hospice, for those who are sick, for those who don’t have a roof over their heads, for those who have lost a loved one or will soon, for those who are suffering a loss of relationship, for those who are suffering a crisis of faith, for those we may consider enemies.  You have laid before us many who can use our support – a kind word, a thoughtful note, a timely visit, a listening ear, a heartfelt prayer.

From whom much is given, much is required.

As we pass over this milestone, you give us yet another chance to start over, to be better than we’ve been before – to be more empathetic, to be more nurturing, to be more helpful.  Bless our efforts to make 2012 our best year – our best offering to you of ourselves and our best offering to our fellow human beings regardless of their religion, their race, their status or their lovability.

As we contemplate the incarnation and what it meant to the Father, what it meant to the Son, and what it means to us, instill in us your grace, your peace, and a greater understanding of what it means to be a child of God.

We are grateful, Father, that you hear our prayers.  Turn your face toward us as we bring to you our own personal joys and sorrows, our own celebrations and fears.

Thanks be to you, O God.

We ask your special blessings today, Father, on the Veals:  Warren, Julie, and their family, as they serve you in Mozambique as a part of Mission Aviation Fellowship.  Guide them, direct them, and cover them in your love as they share the Good News of Jesus Christ to isolated people, helping them become physically and spiritually transformed.

And now we pray together as Jesus Christ our Lord taught us to pray: