Friday, October 16, 2009

Prayers of the Church, 10.18.09

O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When we look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; 4what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

Yet, you do care for us, Father, each and every one of us. You are the God of the entire world, of all who live on this planet. We speak these words. We speak of how we are brothers and sisters with every human being. Too often, though, we look at our Christian family as those who are like us, those we relate to…in our denomination, in our institutes of higher learning, in our congregation, in our hour of worship.

We focus on our families and our friends in the faith. We unite in fellowship, we work and teach together, we have fun with each other. We know we are to live Godly lives. We know we are to lift each other up. Unfortunately, we often see “living the Gospel” as just taking care of those we are already close to, those in our local Christian family.

Give us the faith, Father, to step back from the familiar. Give us the faith to look outside of our families, and see the whole world, all your children, around us.

Help us experience the Gospel and remember that it wasn’t given just to us. Give us the realization of what your commandments really are. Align us to the Jesus who asked “who are my mother and my brothers”? Give us the strength to challenge the stereotypes that give us understanding and comfort. Help us experience the Gospel by sharing it with those who are not a part of us, those who hunger for a relationship with God, but don’t see a way. Help us experience the Gospel by spreading your Good News even to those who do not realize what they’re missing.

Glory be to God, the Father; the creator and master of all things.

In the silence, Lord, hear our prayers of concern and distress and our praises for the blessings you have placed in our lives.

We ask your loving touch, O God, on those who mourn and grieve. Help them feel your presence and give them your peace.

Bless our enemies, Father, and show us ways that we can bless them, too.

We now ask special blessings on Steve and Carol Jackson and their family as they prepare to step out on faith and serve you in Zambia. Keep them safe, Father, and help them as they work to spread the truth of Jesus to another part of your family.

And now, we pray together as Jesus taught us to pray:

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