Saturday, July 10, 2010

Prayers of the Church, 7.11.10

God of all time, you bring light to your earth, warmth to all of your creation. All that happens and does not happen is under your control. When life goes well for your people, you are often forgotten amidst celebration of the peoples’ perceived greatness. When life is harsh, when times are bad, your people often wonder where you are and why you have forsaken them. That is when your people call on you to intervene and to save them. No matter what humans choose to believe or at what time they choose to believe it, you are a constant on this planet; you impact all your children’s lives.

God of the Old Testament, creator of heaven and earth—when your children cried out to you, you always heard them and often chose to deliver them. When your people angered you, you did not hesitate to punish them; you did not hesitate to make them pay for their transgressions even unto death. You called upon them to make sacrifices to you, to make atonement for their sins. You called upon them to live righteous lives and to worship you, yet they failed time and again. Still you never turned away from your chosen ones.

God of the New Testament, ageless and enduring -- your people loved you, but they still strayed. As far as they had progressed over many generations, they continued to sin against each other and against you. Even when they worshipped, they often misplaced their adoration to you with the love of idols, the love of the law, the love of being your chosen. Yet, because of your endless love for your people, instead of striking them down as in the days of old, instead of turning them to stone, instead of calling forth floods or pestilence, you brought forth the Messiah, the Savior who had been prophesied.

Praise be to you, most gracious God, for the deliverance that you provided to your people in the sacrifice of your only Son. Praise be to you, Oh Lord, for the salvation that is found through the Light of the world. Thank you for the cleansing of sins. Thank you for the promise of heaven. Thank you for the opportunity that your people have to share the Good News to all who will hear so that they, too, can experience the life that is only found in blood of the Lamb.

Help your children use what you have taught them over the ages to bless their enemies. Further, Lord, it is your children’s plea that you bless their enemies, too, just as they have received your favor.

In the silence, hear your peoples’ words of adoration and thanksgiving just as prayers of intercession and deliverance are laid at your feet.

Father of all nations, unite your people in the cause of the Christ. Unite your children in lives of worship, obedience and service. Specifically, Lord, blessings are sought for the Salvation Army. Guide their leaders, staff, volunteers, and supporters. Provide for them during these times of want, just as you provide for those the Salvation Army serves.

And now, your people, your loving children join together in the prayer of the ages:

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