Sunday, July 10, 2011

Prayers of the Church, 7.10.11

Most wonderful God; most majestic king; praise be your name for your greatness. You, oh Yahweh, are our sovereign, and we will worship you all the days of our lives. We are your creation. We are your people, your children. We look to you for our sustenance. We look to you for your approval and love. Turn your face toward us, Father and make it shine upon us for you are our king, you are our maker, you are our redeemer.

In the silence, hear our words of praise, thanksgiving, and honor. In the quiet, we bring before you our troubles, our fears, our needs.

Our enemies are your creation, your children, and you love them. Bless them, Lord.

Help us know our proper place in your world, Father. Help us to realize and adjust our lives so they are focused on you and your kingdom.

Help us be humble in your sight, Father. Let us not be boastful in your presence or in the world around us other than to boast of your greatness and of your love for all.

You are the highest of the high, Lord. No words or images can aptly capture your majesty. While we are tempted to try to exalt you with big words and beautiful imagery, let us focus on the simple yet powerful message of Jesus Christ and him crucified.

We need faith to follow, O God. We need faith to stand fast against the world. Please bless our faith that it might not rest on what passes for truth on the earth, but on your truth, found in your Word.

We need wisdom, O most high. There are so many around us who would love us to cling to their wisdom, to the wisdom that focuses on self instead of the wisdom grounded in blessing others. Bathe us in your spirit, O God, so that we may understand the gifts you have bestowed on us.

Try as we might to see otherwise, Lord, our only hope for meaningful life and meaningful service is through you. All praise and honor to you, gracious God.

We ask your special blessings on Higher Ministries. We ask you furnish them the tools and the wisdom ask they provide counseling and support for ministers, their families and the churches they serve.

Now, we honor the command of Jesus and pray as he taught us: 

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