Friday, February 3, 2012

Prayers of the Church, 2.5.12

The glory of God is upon us.  The majesty of the Lord shows all around us.  You, O God, are love, a love so intense, a love so blindingly radiant that it can sear away the ugliness of our souls.
We come before you in prayer, Lord.  We thank you that you hear us.  We thank you that you desire a relationship with each of your children.  As children often are, we can be timid.  Let us never be afraid to come to you.  Let us never fear that we are too unworthy to approach you.  Let us never worry that you will reject us. 

We know that Jesus was in constant communication with you.  We know that he cherished the relationship he had with you.  Lord, remind us that our prayers are not just about finding answers, not just about guidance.  Remind us that our prayers should also be about building our relationship with you.

Forgive us when we forget, when we are too lazy, when we are too busy to pray.  Help us be like Jesus and be in constant communication with you.  Help us remember that we can’t live without you….that life without you isn’t life at all.

Help us remember that our prayers can’t always be about us.  As we pray, help us focus on doing your will and on being a blessing to others.

Help us feel your presence, Lord; engender in us the knowledge that you will never leave us alone, never leave us to our own devices, never forsake us.

We come to you now in the silence, our defenses down; we come to you now in the silence, our importance of no consequence; we come to you now in the silence, our souls laid bare.  Turn your face toward us, Father.  Look upon us with your grace, hearing our petitions…and speak to us.

Help us always remember to pray for our enemies.

Glory be to you, O great and wondrous Lord.

We ask your special blessings today Father, on those who minister in our churches, specifically Aaron, Ryan, Anna, and Greg, but also all those around the world who minister in the name of the risen Lord.  Give them the grace of the Savior.  Help us support them and their families as they strive to spread the Good News to all people.

And now, we pray together the prayer that Jesus Christ taught us to pray:

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